Basic Training and Behavorial Modification

Basic Puppy Training
Basic puppy training includes working on common puppy behaviors such as biting, jumping up, running away etc... We incorporate games that enrichen a puppy's mind and develop their behhaviors.
The use of food, toys, and praise are most often the best ways to work with a puppy. The use of clickers to achieve certain behaviors can be useful. I use a balanced reinforcement to achieve optimal results. Every puppy requires different techniques to help them understand what behaviors are acceptable.

Basic Obedience
Working on everyday manners and proper behaviors such as sits, downs, recalls, etc. Training sets dogs up to also become tested in AKC CGC, Urban CGC and AKC Farm dog certified. Goal is to have a well rounded dog that one can enjoy around people and out in public. Like everything in life, training never stops....always continues for the life of the dog. We incorporate a balanced type of technique that works best for each dog.

Behavorial Problems
Every dog develops behavorial problems in it's life. Nipping them in the bud at an early age is always the best way to prevent them from escalating. Unfortunately many behaviors develop due to lack of training, lack of understanding of how to deal with the problem to correct it, and life's experience that created the behavior. We develop certain plans and techniques to cater to each dogs problem. Many problems such as aggression, running away or resource guarding can be accomplished by MAINTAINING the situation that causes it. Not every problem is a cure all. Many is being able to understand WHAT and WHY a problem occurs and how to work to prevent it from escalating.