Joyful Canine Training, LLC

Picture of me and my performance dogs! NOT CURRENT!

Running Belle in Agility

Carols Pippa, taking Winners Bitch, Best of Winners at the Mayflower Pembroke Welsh Corgi specialty for a five point major!

Picture of me and my performance dogs! NOT CURRENT!

Mary-Elizabeth Simpson has been an experienced dog trainer since 1987. She has worked with various training schools and professional trainers over the years to improvise skills and be kept in tune with new training techniques. In 1990 she started her own private training business called Joyful Canine Training. Her philosophy in training is "Don't be mad, Train Em' and be glad!" Her techniques do not always rely on the use of clickers, but instead training is done with th use of positive motivation using toys, food, and tons of praise. The goal is to build a working relationship between the dog and owner especially in today's ever changing society where dogs are often seen as a problem rather than as a family member. Mary-Elizabeth provides in-home training for people who wish to solve unwanted behavorial problems, work on basic training, and or begin training their new puppy. Competitive obedience and agility training is also offered at various places. Mary-Elizabeth works with all breeds and has successfully rehabilitated many rescues who have gone on to new homes.
Mary-Elizabeth has taught classes for over 24 years at Portchester Obedience Training Club and at the White Plains School of Animal Training. Both which are located in White Plains, NY. Classes range from basic training, breed handling, competitive Obedience, competitive Agility, and Rally-O. Mary-Elizabeth is an active competitor in Agility, Obedience and breed conformation with her various dogs. All of her dogs are titled in one or more of the venues listed including having attained High In Trial at a specialty show in Obedience. Some have achieved their Canine Good Citizen/ Therapy Dog International certifications. Others have the honor of winning Best of Breed at the Pembroke Welsh Corgi National Specialty, Best of Breed at the AKC Eukanuba Championship Dog Show and Award of Merrits at the Westmninster Kennel Club Dog Shows. Her dogs have won many group placements at various all breed conformation dog shows. In addition to titling her own dogs she has handled her clients dogs of various AKC breeds to their conformation championships.
Her competitive students have competed successfully in all the performance and or breed competitions.
If you are looking for help in training your dog in certain disiplines please feel free to email Mary-Elizabeth Simcorgi@aol.com
Currently a member of the following organizations:
Association of Professional Dog Trainers, International Association of Canine Professionals, Mayflower Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club, Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of Garden State, Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America, Border Collie Society of America, Portchester Obedience Training Club, North American Dog Agility Council, American Kennel Club, and president of Nutmeg Border Collie Club.
Click on the Beardie on Left to see pictures of some of the JCT students and their dogs!
Click on the picture of the two Westies to see a video

Don't Be Mad, Train Em' and Be Glad!!!!